Written By – Liam Donoghue
AMF Head Honcho – Author Bio
AMF founder, resident, writer, and podcaster.
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This edition of All My Friends sees MCR Live resident Tom2Trax take the reigns for an hour of bumping house music. You can catch Tom’s show every month over on MCR Live. AMF’s interview with Tom is below 🙂
Hi Tom, you have a monthly show on MCR live ‘Dig the Disc’. Can you tell us a little about how the show came about and what’s the ethos behind it?
I started Dig the Disc about 18 months ago. Basically, I was at Glastonbury and it hit me that I’d been a music obsessive all my life and I still hadn’t done anything about it. Time was running out for me and I vowed to start a music blog. I quickly did away with the blog and through a mate at the radio station MCR Live, I got my own show. The ethos is just discs that I dig, I spend a lot of time digging for records I guess.
It seems to me you consider yourself a ‘selector’, do you feel a strong track selection is where a DJ’s strengths truly lie. Or is technical mixing the sign of a strong DJ? Or is it somewhere in between?
I think those titles are for others to decide, but if you mean do I care about the tunes I’m playing? Then absolutely. For me, digging for vinyl is one of life’s best pastimes, I can’t stop myself from doing it, and that’s really where everything starts for me, getting excited to play the latest record I’ve found.
I do think mixing skills are important for DJing, but I also believe that they are third on the list after good selection and programming, you’ve got to create a consistent feeling or vibe through your knowledge of music that unfolds over the course of your mix/set, or at least that’s what I believe. Hairy moments can add character to a mix, a bit like punk rockers hitting a bum note on a guitar, it reminds us that there’s a human grafting away behind it all; but I think they should be minimal, at the end of the day your aim is to create a seamless experience for the listener/dancer.
Do you have any DJ’s or events you can cite as inspirations for your sound? Or are there any mixes or tracks you can point to that really encapsulate your approach to music.
Internationally, I’m a big fan of Motor City Drum Ensemble for his ultra-deep cuts, Young Marco for his crazy eclectic taste, Josey Rebelle for her ability to switch from shimmering boogie to acid techno in 30 seconds and Omar-S for blowing the roof off Hidden earlier this year!
Locally, we’re spoilt for choice, but to pick a couple, I always enjoy Ruf Dug and Kickin’ Pigeon’s mixes, as they’re always finding that balance between being enjoyably playful and educating, and can take you in any direction. I like mixes that are full of personality and not too ‘serious’.
You’ve mentioned you play out in town quite regularly and across the North West. Are there any clubs that particularly like to play or party in?
So I actually only started playing out this Summer, which sounds seriously mad looking back. I can’t imagine not doing now. Following on from my radio show I decided it was long overdue, and the next logical step was to grab some 1210’s of my own and get out there, but I’ve been full speed ahead since then and I’m just getting started. I’d like to shout out to Warped events, playing at their night at Indigo was really fun, they’re proper sound lads, also the Rotation record fairs, I played at Behind Closed Doors recently and the vibe was really good there.
For partying, it’s got to be Hidden and Partisan, and I also like how Eastern Bloc have massively stepped it up with their events this year.
Moving on to your mix. Can you tell us how you approached the show. Is this a typical way you approach DJ’ing or have you switched up your style for the show?
I recorded it all on vinyl in my flat on my Technics 1210’s and my A&H Xone:23 mixer. I wanted to keep it simple and raw, showing my influences, which include a lot of 90’s New York house, recent hip-hop inspired house, 80’s electro and some new disco edits. I’d say it’s a good representation of what I’d usually play in an ‘early’ set to be honest, nothing too banging here, but until this mix I hadn’t put all those records together. A lot of the records in it are my favourites that I’ve amassed over the last two years, so it’s really a good summary of my influences.
Are there any standout tracks you wouldn’t mind sharing with us?
A big one for me is ‘Real J – One Love’. It’s off a Danish label called ‘Waxtefacts’ that I’ve been following for the last couple of years since it launched, and all their productions are really deep and hard hitting. ‘Tom Browne – Rockin Radio’ is also a big one of mine, it’s not by any means a rarity, it’s just a fat 80’s electro/hip-hop tune – a £1 banger!
Finally, what’s coming up for you in the New Year any events or special radio shows you can tell us about?
There’s talk of a second b2b with HK Lights on Dig the Disc early next year, the first one we did was a lot of fun and we’re just finding the time to do it all again with some new tunes. And as far as gigs go, I’ve a few sorted, and it’s just as many good ones as I can get. I think as my first full year playing out there’s gonna be a real urge to hammer it all year and see what the outcome is!
Not had your fill of music, head over to Tram22’s mix for more house music.