Written By – Liam Donoghue
AMF Head Honcho – Author BioAMF founder, resident, writer, and podcaster.
Facebook – Instagram – Soundcloud – YoutubeCrisp leaves, bonfires and scaring the fuck out of kids on Halloween. This, for me, is autumn. Well, except for the last bit. This mix was put together by AMF founder Liam.
Although this mix is getting released now as leaves start piling up everywhere ( Great for kicking down the road if you’re in the mood for destruction on an autumn walk) I actually recorded it in the hight of this summers heatwave.
I wanted to capture the hot muggy days we were having in July and think the squishy Rhodes sounds and washed out house numbers convey that pretty well.
Then it never got released. I kept it in the bank until I had a good reason to release it and this felt like a great opportunity. There’s more than a few bigger hitters in the 50 minutes, Peggy Gou and Pepe Bradock to name but two.
I also open the mix with tracks from Lobster Theremin and Rhythm Section. Two labels i’ve really got behind recently. With a lush arrangement and considered synth stabs David Garretts – Two Nineteen sets the tempo for the rest of the mix. This is followed by Rhythm Sections String Theory. The B1 track on his Modularity Ep ‘Con Monto’ is a jazz infused house number that bounces playfully around its 7 minute run time and never gets tired.
Mentions go out to the Manchester contingent represented in the mix. With tracks from both High Hoops and Natural Sciences proving that the Norths capacity for pressing bangers is in rude health.
All in all lush sounds for to watch the leaves fall to the ground!
If you’re looking for more sounds head no further than episode 12 with All My Friends guest Ausgang.