Written By – Liam Donoghue
AMF Head Honcho – Author Bio
AMF founder, resident, writer, and podcaster.
Facebook – Instagram – Soundcloud – Youtube
The shoe is on the other foot this week! AMF was approached by the team at Embryo Digital and our founder Liam was asked to spill the beans on the AMF journey so far. There’s been a few ups, some downs, and a whole lot of fun in our journey so far. You can read the interview below. A big thanks goes out to Embryo too for thinking what we’re up to is pretty cool :).
Hi Liam, thanks for chatting with us at Embryo Digital. Could you tell us a bit about yourself and All My Friends?
Hi Aaron, I’m really excited to chat with Embryo Digital today about myself, marketing, and of course, All My Friends (AMF). My names Liam and I’m a marketing executive working for an IT specialist recruitment agency. I’m also a DJ and have played music in Manchester and ran events for the last 7 years. AMF is a Manchester-based dance music blog. I run it out of my studio at Brunswick Mill. I release fortnightly mixes on my website by collective, producers and DJ’s from across Manchester and beyond. As well as releasing fortnightly show AMF also covers issues around gentrification, club culture, and night-life issues.