Written By – Liam Donoghue
AMF Head Honcho – Author Bio
AMF founder, resident, writer, and podcaster.
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Hey Ed, I hope you’re well. Welcome to the blog. I’ll kick things off like I normally do and ask you by asking you about your DJ journey. When did you start playing music and why? What have been the big musical milestones in your life?
Wattsup up Liam, hope u all good in these wack as times.
I got addicted to club nights and music festival culture at the age of 16 in particular house music so suppose that’s where my passion comes from. Started mixing at 16 but only really took it seriously when I got into buying wax at 18.
I’ve played mainly in bars around Preston and Lancaster where I’m from. Playing mainly ambient, dub and downtempo bits. But sadly my previous job didn’t allow me to play out as much as I would like due to it being hospitality and working pretty unsociable hours n that.
Have you got any plans to start a club night or event post-pandemic?
Would be sick to start a club night back in Manchester when this shit heap finally passes. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do but sadly work always seemed to have got in the way, but I’m gonna make sure it doesn’t this time.
There are a few different genres thrown together in your mix, some dub, breaks, garage, and bass amongst others. Is this your regular sound, or have you done something a bit different for this mix?
Tbh if I like it I buy it ranging from ambient to DnB. My go-to places for digging are Manchester stores Boomkat, Eastern Bloc, All Night Flight Records, and an occasional Discogs one here and there.
How do you like to approach recording a mix? Are you a methodical planner or do you prefer to approach a mix with minimal prep?
Pretty much as I go along tbh probably should do a bit of planning though aha
Are there any standout tracks in the mix you wouldn’t mind sharing with us?
Parris – Harajuku Girls, Smith n Mighty – B-Line Fi Blow and Section 13 – Freak the Funk. Slap hard
We’re in the middle of lockdown 3.0. How have you been keeping busy? Have you made any music or recorded some more mixes? Have you learned any new skills?
Sadly I don’t enjoy sitting in front of a computer for hours on end so came to the conclusion pretty quickly that producing maybe wasn’t for me, probably because I’m pretty hyperactive aha. In terms of keeping busy in lockdown, I’ve been cycling a fair bit, none of that gimp suit shit though aha.
I’m pretty lucky that I live in the countryside, especially for these lockdowns. So yea managed to get out to cycle and do a fair bit of walking and cooking when I can be asked on the side. Yea made a few mixes as well one hopefully coming out with Manchester label Jerk It soon who have released some heaters!
Lastly, have you got any music-related news in the pipeline you could tell us about? And what are you most looking forward to doing once everything’s back to normal?
Just a few mixes in the pipeline and in terms of normality, getting back to The White Hotel for a heavy night 🙂