Written By – Liam Donoghue
AMF Head Honcho – Author Bio
AMF founder, resident, writer, and podcaster.
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January’s mix is an hour of warming house perfect for chasing away the winter blues. The all-vinyl mix has been recorded by Manchester DJ Adam Hewitt and is a lovely mix of disco-tipped tracks and pumping house classics.
Catch our interview with Adam over on the below:
Hey Adam thanks for coming on the blog and putting a mix together for us. I always like to start these interviews by asking our guests to tell us a bit about their DJing journey, when did you start DJing and why?
Hey, First of all i’d like to say thanks for having me. I guess it all happened when i got my first few records and a turntable. Progressively got more and more records in stores and online which opened my eyes to so much more dance music. Then came the second turntable and mixer which then it all became a huge hobby for me. Now I’d say I’m kinda addicted to finding new stuff all the time. Been living in the Lakes ( Editors note: Check out our other Lakes-born DJ Ian Chancellor, not to mention our editor-in-chief Liam Oliver! ) so only done a handful of small gigs mainly house parties I’ve been playing so far. Recently moved to manchester so just trying to get myself out there I guess.
Are there any DJs or promoters you look to for inspiration when recording mixes and buying records?
Yes, I’m a huge Omar S fan not gonna lie. Been following him since I started collecting. Love everything he does. Had the privilege of seeing him in Leeds a few years back didn’t disappoint Also 90s house, love all that stuff.
You’ve put together an all-vinyl mix for us. Why do you think records are so great and what for you is the best part about collecting records?
I just love the feel when mixing vinyl being as one with the music. Something so nice about that. Collecting records is great as well as being able to talk to the people behind the counter with their incredible knowledge. Rather than just clicking a button and downloading.
Let’s talk a bit about your mix. How do you approach recording mixes, did you just rock up to your turntables and record it in one take or do you like to plan your mixes quite methodically?
To be honest I like to have a loose plan when recording, get a few records out that I know work and fill the rest with whatever mood I’m in. Feel this keeps the experience more fun.
Are there any standout tracks in the mix you wouldn’t mind sharing with us? Any great songs in there that don’t leave your record bag?
Oh definitely that last track on the mix is by Island Times – Together (another editor’s note: The A side of this record is a banger too. Check it our if not just for the name alone “Getting fingered on the waltzers”) which is an unbelievable edit of Sammie Relford — Brand New Man. That song gets me fucking going! Never leave that behind.
Thanks for chatting with us today, last question: what’ve you got coming up on the horizon you can tell us about? Any more mixes or events in the pipeline for us to look forward to?
Got an event back home in Feb with a few guys who helped and got all this started with me. I also upload mixes on Mixcloud if anyone’s interested https://www.mixcloud.com/adam-hewitt3/